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Tina Turner and her Kangeroo

Tina Turner and her Kangeroo

Martin and I changed our minds. Fabrizio doesn't look like a bunny any more...more like this, don't you think? Martin und ich haben unsere Meinung geändert. Fabrizio sieht nicht mehr wie ein Kaninchen aus... sondern eher so, denkt Ihr nicht auch? ...and...


Stinging Nettle and a deer...

Stinging Nettle and a deer...

On our daily stroll through Grävingholz-Forest yesterday, we decided to take a small pathway through the undergrowth of the old beech trees. At first we were a little concerned about the thick and tall growth of the stinging nettle, but luckily it bothered...


Benja, the Lumberjack

Benja, the Lumberjack

I am so proud of Benja. She is just sooo strong and cool. None dares to mess with her. Benja, die Holzfällerin! Ich bin so stolz auf sie. Sie ist so stark und geschickt. Keiner wagt es sich, mit ihr anzulegen. Schaut selbst, wie toll sie die dicksten...


Fabrizio ist zweisprachig

Fabrizio ist zweisprachig

Fabrizio war sehr fleißig. In den letzten sechs Wochen hat er Tag und Nacht geübt und geübt. Nun ist es soweit: Er spricht auch fließend Deutsch. Deshalb wird sein Blog auch zweisprachig... ... ab sofort mit deutschem Untertitel


Fabrizio wants to swim!

Fabrizio wants to swim!

Hi guys! I want to go and swim with my two-legged friends. Anyone know where in NRW we can go to? Lots of love and licks, Fabrizio Hallo! Ich möchte so gern mit meinen Zweibeinern schwimmen gehen. Weiß jemand, wo ich das in NRW mit meinen Futterspendern...


Feeling a lot better!

Feeling a lot better!

On Thursday Fabrizio received an injection. He seems to have caught some bad bacterial infection somewhere and the antibiotics worked almost immediately. A few hours later he felt much better and was his adorable self again. So, at the moment we are taking...


Oh dear, a deer...

Oh dear, a deer...

Today we skipped puppy school and drove to Castrop-Rauxel to watch Fabrizios teacher and her Australian Sheperd participate in a Sports Tournament. We arrived there much too early and we decided to go for a walk in the adjacent Forest. There Fabrizio...


Just a nice Saturday with Bersie

Just a nice Saturday with Bersie

Fabrizio is developing big paws. With his 13 and a half weeks of age, his paws are just as big as those of Bersie, the Greater Swissy Bersie still treats Fabrizio with ignorance, but he is not giving up. He is changing his tactic and treating her with...


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