Misunderstanding me, the horses and wild geese...

Veröffentlicht auf von spinone fabrizio





Slowly convincing him...this was actually a cute misunderstanding. Fabrizio was very weary of the horses, always staying well behind me. Well, I was talking to the horses, who in turn were very, very weary of me...so I was telling the horses "come here now, come, come". Poor old Fabrizio thought I was talking to him, but although he was scared to death, slowly came to me, much to close to those big evil horses  




There is something about those wild geese...



that looks very interesting... 


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<br /> Hi Fabrizio,<br /> denk dir nichts, ich habe auch sehr viel Respekt vor diesen großen Ungetümen. Mir sind die irgendwie zu groß und zu hektisch.<br /> <br /> Liebes WUUUH<br /> Sally<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Your daddy would never let those oversized doggies get you, Fabrizio! He loves you!<br /> Aren't you going to chase the wild geese?!<br /> <br /> Love ya lots,<br /> Maggie and Mitch<br /> <br /> <br />